Sunday, September 29, 2013


Today at church I listened to a powerful message about time. The essence of it was this, what are you doing with the wonderful gift God has given you? Are you maximizing it in pursuits pleasing to Him or are you squandering it away on useless pursuits? I've heard it before, time and time again but this was the time the message was for me. It was finally the right point in my life to receive this message as was intended, for my betterment. It's a humbling experience. 

This will be a short sweet post to explain some changes coming your way. 

My focus is changing. As hard as it is to admit, I've neglected aspects of being a mother and wife and even a friend in the pursuit of...I don't even know. But I know this, it's not what I was given time for. I have deleted my Facebook and social media apps (not accounts, I'll still get on after the kids have gone to bed to update and be updated on those not so close to me. I hope it won't be nearly as often and I hope you'll understand and respect the decision. I also will be deleting my friends living close enough to visit regularly. I don't want to keep up with you via the internet. I want to make time for you. Count it as it's meant to be, a plea for closeness and not a shun. Facebook has made me lazy with you all. Forgive me. 

Again, short and sweet. For now something more worthy is requesting this all too precious time. I'll try to update my blog a bit more frequently and indepthly when I can. So much love to all of you and God bless!



Michelle said...

Wow Tiphanie, this is convicting!! I'm glad that you're able to make these wise choices, and it's making me evaluate my time choices, as well. Love you guys!

Tiphanie said...

Thanks! We love and miss you guys. :-)

About Me

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Ryan and I have been married since 2008, we have two beautiful boys, Noah (born 2010) and Teagan (born 2012). I babysit from home and love getting to stay with my babies. I'm a crafty mama who loves to read and take pictures.